Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Literary Elements Of The Victorian Era - 1238 Words
The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria of England, began after the Romantic period from 1837 to 1901. This era can also be referred to as the Fusion era because of its romantic and modernist styles of writing (â€Å"Victorian Era Literature Characteristics†). During this time period, characters in many novels had common qualities, such as: hard work, perseverance, love, and luck because people wanted to teach moral lessons (â€Å"Victorian Era Literature Characteristics†). However, teaching morals was not the only theme that was present during this time period; realism and even science fiction started to appear in this age (â€Å"Victorian Literature†). As people started to use these themes in their writings, common literary elements started to†¦show more content†¦At the end of their conversation, Black Dog leaves the Inn in anger. After a few more unexpected events, Jim Hawkins inherits very important documents from Billy Bones after his death. He then takes these documents to Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney, who then figure out that the documents a treasure map. Afterwards, both Livesey and Trelawney gather a crew and set out on a quest to find this treasure. While on the voyage, half of the crew made a pact to kill off anyone that gets in their way of the treasure. As the story goes on, the ship reaches the island and immediately, both halves of the crew start slaughtering each other. In the end, Jim Hawkins and a few others survivors were able to find the treasure and safely go home (Stevenson). The plots written in both The War of the Worlds and Treasure Island are undoubtedly adventurous with a frenzy twist thrown into it that the reader can enjoy and relate to. For example, in The War of the Worlds, the whole story revolves around the idea that everyone is either trying to escape or hide from the cruel aliens. While in Treasure Island, there are people who are murdering their crew members for a chest full of trea sure. Finally, the plots in both stories have similar climax which associates death. For example, in The War of the Worlds, the main character gets into a complication with a friend and ends up murdering him. In Treasure Island the climax begins when the shady crew reaches the island andShow MoreRelatedGothic Novel Essay949 Words  | 4 PagesGothic Novel’s origin and its Repertoire element Gothic novel literary defined as an English genre of fiction which came into action and became popular in 18th to early 19th century, widely characterized by atmosphere of horror, fear, death, gloom, darkness ,mystery and romantic elements ,such as nature individuality and high emotions. The term gothic actually originated as to criticise the architecture and art of that period which was dark, decaying and dismal. 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