Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Illegal Steroid Use in The Major League Baseball
The purpose in constructing this report is to take a look and study the illegal steroid use in Major League Baseball, and possible ways it can be exempt from the game forever. Use of performance enhancing drugs is cheating and causes inequalities, in which new repercussions should be implemented. These new rules should include a zero tolerance level, records stripped and not being rewarded of their accomplishments; which is to include banishment from an admittance into the Hall of Fame. Furthermore, it causes major health concerns and could end a player’s career, along with mitigating health problems down the road. The total elimination of steroids in MLB (Major League Baseball) would make the atmosphere and fans appreciate the game as it†¦show more content†¦In 2003, David â€Å"Boomer†Wells claimed that up to 40% of major leaguers used steroids, and then in 2005, Jose Canseco addressed the media with stating that 80% of major leaguers had taken steroids, and have credited the drug for their entire career (Gilman, 2013, p.2). So the facts are there, players are using and abusing to cheat their way into the HOF (Hall of Fame). The one time strike is followed without pay, because the player will not completely process the magnitude of what he did was wrong. This solution would hold true to the integrity of the game and keep the playing field fair across the board. For the fair players this zero tolerance level is a godsend. Records Stripped Players that are breaking records and accomplishing tasks a normal man cannot amount to without the use of performance enhanced drugs, should not be applauded for. Athletes who use and test positive for steroids will be banished from baseball’s record books and will be ineligible to enter the Hall of Fame. Players value their status as one of the greatest and are honored to be accounted for in the record books, and if none of that is recorded then what would be the use of cheating. It would be as if the player never participated or even played the game (Abramson, 2014, p.2). Mark Maguire, a front runner currently awaiting his election into the Hall of Fame, has beenShow MoreRelatedSteroids Abuse in Baseball1746 Words  | 7 PagesSteroid Abuse Hurts Baseball The abuse of steroids among players in Major League Baseball is corrupting the image of Americas Pastime as well as endangering the health of those who use the illegal substances. 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Over the past few months, different allegations toward certain superstars and their involvement with illegal anabolic steroids have surfaced. From books written by ex-ballplayers to accusations by ex-trainers of the players, steroids are clearly all over the teams clubhouses when it shouldn’t be. Steroids connection with Major League Baseball today should clearly not be allowed becaus e it gives the users a decisive edge over theRead MoreSteroids in Professional Baseball Essay1185 Words  | 5 Pagestopics in Major League Baseball is the discussion of the use of steroids and human growth hormones. Both are completely illegal in the sport, and come with drastic consequences. One would think a fifty game suspension as a first offense would scare players away, but for some reason steroids in baseball is occurring more and more often to the disappointment of Major League Baseball. The reason players take steroids in the first place is to enhance their performance on the field. 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The use of performance enhancing drugs is especially apparent in Major League Baseball. This problem can be traced back to the 1980’s when baseball was facing one of its first â€Å"dark periods†. During the 1980’s Major League Baseball was experiencing a home run drought. Home run totals were down as far as they had been since Babe Ruth, and fans were seemingly becomingRead More Anabolic Steroids Essay1560 Words  | 7 Pages Steroids Probably one of the biggest stories in the news today is steroids in Major League Baseball. This is one of the reasons that I chose to do my research paper on steroids. I knew that it would not be hard to find information on the issue. I also needed to have a topic that relates to my service learning project. This is helping coach a high school track and field team. And as you will read later, I talk about steroids with high school athletes. I also wanted to improve my knowledge on theRead MoreSteroids : Steroids And Steroids1425 Words  | 6 Pages Steroids in Baseball Players like Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire and Alex Rodriguez, just to name a few, have disobeyed the game of baseball, and for what? To add an extra 2-5 mph on their fastball, or to hit the ball farther. If scouts liked you when you weren’t on steroids, why would you need to go on to them. It totally takes out your natural ability of what made you the baseball player that scouts recruited you. This isn’t
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Literary Elements Of The Victorian Era - 1238 Words
The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria of England, began after the Romantic period from 1837 to 1901. This era can also be referred to as the Fusion era because of its romantic and modernist styles of writing (â€Å"Victorian Era Literature Characteristics†). During this time period, characters in many novels had common qualities, such as: hard work, perseverance, love, and luck because people wanted to teach moral lessons (â€Å"Victorian Era Literature Characteristics†). However, teaching morals was not the only theme that was present during this time period; realism and even science fiction started to appear in this age (â€Å"Victorian Literature†). As people started to use these themes in their writings, common literary elements started to†¦show more content†¦At the end of their conversation, Black Dog leaves the Inn in anger. After a few more unexpected events, Jim Hawkins inherits very important documents from Billy Bones after his death. He then takes these documents to Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney, who then figure out that the documents a treasure map. Afterwards, both Livesey and Trelawney gather a crew and set out on a quest to find this treasure. While on the voyage, half of the crew made a pact to kill off anyone that gets in their way of the treasure. As the story goes on, the ship reaches the island and immediately, both halves of the crew start slaughtering each other. In the end, Jim Hawkins and a few others survivors were able to find the treasure and safely go home (Stevenson). The plots written in both The War of the Worlds and Treasure Island are undoubtedly adventurous with a frenzy twist thrown into it that the reader can enjoy and relate to. For example, in The War of the Worlds, the whole story revolves around the idea that everyone is either trying to escape or hide from the cruel aliens. While in Treasure Island, there are people who are murdering their crew members for a chest full of trea sure. Finally, the plots in both stories have similar climax which associates death. For example, in The War of the Worlds, the main character gets into a complication with a friend and ends up murdering him. In Treasure Island the climax begins when the shady crew reaches the island andShow MoreRelatedGothic Novel Essay949 Words  | 4 PagesGothic Novel’s origin and its Repertoire element Gothic novel literary defined as an English genre of fiction which came into action and became popular in 18th to early 19th century, widely characterized by atmosphere of horror, fear, death, gloom, darkness ,mystery and romantic elements ,such as nature individuality and high emotions. The term gothic actually originated as to criticise the architecture and art of that period which was dark, decaying and dismal. The term was embraced by artistRead MoreRealism And The Victorian Era859 Words  | 4 Pagesindividuals that are of different blood and social statuses fall in love? The Victorian Era was a time where your social status could be construed as directly correlating to whom said individual could socialize with, marry, or have any ties too. Perhaps maybe there weren’t three individuals that knew this more than the three of Wuthering Heights Edgar Linton, Catherine Earnshaw, and Heathcliff. The Victorian Era had many elements that could be tied to it but the one that will be the center focus for thisRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Alice s Adventures 1293 Words  | 6 Pagesnonsense to satirize Victorian era society, morality, and their sense of justice. One reason Carroll’s novel Alice in Wonderland remains in the hearts of both children and adults after so much time is due to Carroll’s keen ability to write both logic and nonsense. The middle of the nineteenth century was the height of a genre known as literary nonsense. Literary nonsense is a genre that blends some elements that make sense with elements that do not. Carroll superbly put the Victorian era’s love of riddlesRead MoreThe Use Of Gothic Elements In Dracula By Bram Stoker1698 Words  | 7 Pagesthe nineteenth century during the Victorian era. The Victorian people had certain beliefs about Christianity and the roles of men and women in society. Women were allowed only to do certain things and were expected to do specific things in regards to men. The Victorian people also had their own interpretation of superstitions. Stoker introduced the Victorian people to gothic elements in his literary works. In literature, gothic novels often use goth ic elements to support their themes and the moodRead More Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxeds Church and The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock741 Words  | 3 Pagesspan of time from the Victorian age of Literature to the Modernism of the 20th century wrought many changes in poetry style and literary thinking. While both eras contained elements of self-scrutiny, the various forms and reasoning behind such thinking were vastly different. The Victorian age, with its new industrialization of society, brought to poetry and literature the fictional character, seeing the world from anothers eyes. It was also a time in which Victorian authors and intellectualsRead MoreThe Victorians Concern With Morality1180 Words  | 5 PagesThe Victorians’ Concern with Morality â€Å"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Charles Dickens). This quote helps to sum up the Victorian Era. The Victorian Era is understood to have existed during the rule of Queen Victoria between 1837 to 1901. It was thought to be an exciting period that saw various literary schools and artistic styles along with social and politicalRead MoreSummary OfThey Shut Me Up In Prose937 Words  | 4 Pagesdiscusses how women are confined in society’s structured roles on women in the Victorian era. Dickinson does so in three stanzas, with an inconsistent rhyme scheme. This poem is influenced by the inequalities between genders and the limitations that prevented women from enjoying things that were seen as specifically for men, such as writing poems and having a higher education. In it, she uses various literary and poetic elements. In stanza 1, Dickinson begins by expressing the captivity that she feelsRead MorePortrayal Of Male Homosexuality Under Queen Victoria Is Oscar Wilde s Gross Indecency And Sodomy Trial1485 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the Victorian Era (1819-1901), western society went through an abundance of change. It was mostly defined by a boom in technology, commonly known and referred to as the Industrial Revolution. Socially however, the rules and laws were strict. Female sexuality was policed in the sense of a general social erasure, whereas male sexuality was viewed as a reproductive tool. This lead to the further criminalization of male homosexuality beyond its assumed sinful nature. The most famous case ofRead MoreBritish Literature : Final Exam1300 Words  | 6 PagesBritish Literature II - Final Exam British Literature is filled with diverse and talented writers who through each period has brought something new to the table. Over the course of the term we have covered the Romantic period, the Victorian Age and the Modern period. Each period has had a hand in developing literature through to the modern age and each writer has influenced the next generation. To best examine each period of literature the paper will be split amongst the three major periods theRead MoreBritish Literature : Final Exam1301 Words  | 6 PagesBritish Literature II - Final Exam British Literature is filled with diverse and talented writers who through each period has brought something new to the table. Over the course of the term we have covered the Romantic period, the Victorian Age and the Modern period. Each period has had a hand in developing literature through to the modern age and each writer has influenced the next generation. To best examine each period of literature the paper will be split amongst the three major periods the course
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Benchmark Jobs Free Essays
In the business world today, many companies are made up of benchmark jobs and also non-benchmark jobs. A benchmark job is an occupation that is common throughout that field of work. Therefore, it is a job that has standard responsibilities that can be found from one organization to another. We will write a custom essay sample on Benchmark Jobs or any similar topic only for you Order Now A non-benchmark job is just the opposite. It is a job that it is unique to the organization and cannot be found in other organizations of the same occupation. Through our interviews one will be able to have a better understanding of a benchmark job, with it being applied to reality. Also, through reading, â€Å"Lectures on the Measurement and Evaluation†by Saul Rosen one will be able to clearly identify a benchmark job. Throughout this article, it goes into detail about real and synthetic benchmark job. As stated in the article, a synthetic benchmark job is one that has been designed specifically for inclusion in a benchmark model. They use this model of benchmark jobs for system measurements or testing of evaluation. Throughout the paper we will discuss the importance of benchmark jobs, the process of determination, what has been found in the past, future research, and discussion on personal interviews and information from articles and books. In the end the reader will be able to have a better understanding from our research on benchmark jobs. The importance of a benchmark job Many individuals may wonder why benchmark jobs are important to an organization. Companies use benchmark jobs as a form of evaluation in order to better their company. Through this information it opens the eyes of the organization to be able to see many new methods and ideas that they may not of otherwise been able to acknowledge. They use these methods and ideas towards improving their effectiveness within the company. Another benefit of a benchmark job is that they can be applied to many different kinds of jobs and also newly created jobs. It is not built to only benefit a certain type of career. The benchmark job process In order to determine a benchmark job, the company can do a survey to compare jobs throughout their industry. There are several questions that a company can ask themselves in order to determine what occupations within their company are classified as a benchmark job. Why does the job exist? What knowledge is needed? What does the job consist of? What couldn’t be done without it? Does almost every company in our industry have this job? Simple questions like these can help businesses determine what jobs are a benchmark job. Some examples of a benchmark job would be a secretary in an administrative company, a scientist in a technical group, or an inspector in a manufacturing business. In the reading â€Å"Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and Operations Management†it discusses the benchmark job process and how it is used for evaluations. The first step is to select a benchmark job. This is very critical to an evaluation, because the entire method is based on them. These benchmark jobs serve as reference points. The number of benchmark jobs for the evaluation varies, because it depends on the range and diversity of the work to be evaluated. Next, one will want to rank the benchmark job. They are ranked on each compensable factor, they use the example of a job family consisting of six jobs is first ranked on mental requirements, 1 being the highest, then on experience and skills, and so on. After each benchmark job is ranked on each factor the next step is to allocate the current wages of that benchmark job among the compensable factors. â€Å"This is done by deciding how much of the wage rate for each benchmark job is associated with mental demands, how much with physical requirements, and so on, across the compensable factors (Salvendy, Gavriel). †How to cite Benchmark Jobs, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Clinical Psychology And Gerontology Behavior Patterns
Question: Discuss about theClinical Psychology And Gerontology for Behavior Patterns. Answer: Psychology as a professional discipline could be better understood through gaining crucial knowledge concerned personality and motivation. Psychology is an extensive field of education that includes the study of human growth and development, thoughts, behavior patterns, various personalities and motivation among others. Notably, the great psychologist Sigmund Freud revealed how the psychic energy shifts from the id to create the ego and eventually develop the superego gradually as the child matures (Blatny, 2015). Significantly, personality is shaped by the behavior patterns influenced by id impulses as well as ideal behaviors prompted by the superego. Most importantly, an individuals personality is evidenced through the behaviors portrayed by that individual. Additionally, Freud discussed the impact of cathexis and anticathexis processes that are associated with individuals desire to satisfy their needs and desires among others. Furthermore, motivation is a major factor that reinfor ces good behavior. Lastly, increased motivation is a useful tool that triggers positive behavior changes thus contributing to the better perception of the discipline of psychology (McAdams, 2015). Therefore knowledge of personality and motivation has a significant effect on understanding the psychology and behavior of different individuals of various ages as well as their interest a key factor that can enable good interactions with them including the provision of guidance and counseling. References Blatny, M. (2015). Personality and well-being across the lifespan. Houndmills, BasingstokeHampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. McAdams, D. P. (2015). The art and science of personality development. New York: TheGuilford Press.
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