Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Traditions and History of Halloween Celebration
Traditions and History of Halloween Celebration Origin and Traditions of Halloween First associations that come to our mind when thinking about Halloween are popular trick-or-treat tradition, bobbing for apples, costume parades, parties and other family-friendly activities. Though, do you know or have you ever been interested in the true story behind the origin of this holiday? In fact, the origin of Halloween has 2000 years history, when Celtic tribes inhabited lands, nowadays, known as Great Briton and northern France. At that time, November 1st was known as a day of huge celebrations of a festival called Samhain. People were marking the end of the harvest and the beginning dark, cold time of a year. It was believed that the night before Samhain festival, October 31st, the dead return to the world of mortal as ghosts. For this reason, Celts would leave food and wine next to their doors as well as light bonfires in order to protect themselves from the evil. Later, when Celtic territories were conquered by the Roman Empire, the celebrations of Celtic festival acqu ired new traditions of Roman origin. Since then, Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees, and the apple symbol had become an integral part of the festivities. In 609 A.D., Christian church together with Pope Gregory III turned Samhain festival into All Hallows Day or All Saints Day and the night before the feast became known as Hallow Eve, eventually, Halloween. Talking about todays Halloween famous trick-or-treating, most of us dont know that souling and guising were the activities preceding the trick-or treat tradition and originated from Medieval Briton. Souiling was committed on All Souls Day, November 2nd, and included the activity of giving soul cakes for poor people, who in return would pray for peoples dead relatives. While guising was popular among young people, who used to dress up in diverse costumes and accept gifts like food, drinks and other offerings in exchange for reciting works of literature, dancing, performing jokes, and etc. Lots of traditions, though, were nt widely spread among population of colonial New England for a long time. It happened due to the rigid Protestant belief system. However, in 1950s, Halloween customs started to be revived thanks to Irish and Scottish immigrants, who brought the activities of souling and guising back and favored the appearance of trick-or-treating and many other kid-centered activities like bobbing for apples and costume parties. Nowadays, Halloween is considered to be one of Americas most commercial and world-wide know holidays after Christmas, of course. Both family-friendly and children oriented, Halloween festivities create fun for everyone. No matter what age or nationality you are, join the great atmosphere of joy, fear that Halloween traditions have prepared for you on the night of October 31st.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing Quotes
'Much Ado About Nothing' Quotes Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeares comedies, with one of the most popular romantic duos of all time. The play has wit, twists, turns - its a comedy. Here are a few quotes from the play. Act I He hath indeed better bettered expectation than you must expect of me to tell you how. (1.1) He is a very valiant trencher-man. (1.1) I see, lady, the gentleman is not in your books. (1.1) In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke. (1.1) Act II Lord! I could not endure a husband with a beard on his face: I hath rather lie in the woollen. (2.1) He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man. (2.1) Speak low if you speak love. (2.1) Friendship is constant in all other thingsSave in the office and affairs of love:Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues;Let every eye negotiate for itselfAnd trust no agent. (2.1) There was a star danced, and under that was I born. (2.1) Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,Men were deceivers ever,-One foot in sea and one on shore,To one thing constant never. (2.3) Act III Our talk must only be of Benedick.When I do name him, let it by thy partTo praise him more than ever man did merit:My talk to thee must be how BenedickIs sick in love with Beatrice. Of this matterIs little Cupids crafty arrow made,That only wounds by hearsay. (3.1) Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps. (3.1) If I see any thing tonight why I should not marry her tomorrow, in the congregation, where I should wed, there will I shame her. (3.2) I tell this tale vilely- I should first tell thee how the Prince, Claudio, and my master, planted and placed and possessed by my master Don John, saw afar off in the orchard this amiable encounter. (3.3) Act IV There, Leonato, take her back again:Give not this rotten orange to your friend;Shes but the sign and semblance of her honor. (4.1) Your daughter here the princes left for dead,Let her awhile be secretly kept in,And publish it that she is dead indeed (4.1) She dying, as it must be so maintaind,Upon the instant that she was accusd,Shall be lamented, pitied, and excusdOf every hearer (4.1) I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. (4.1) O that he were here to write me down an ass! But masters, remember that I am an ass: though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass. (4.2) Act V I say thou has belied mine innocent child;Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart,And she lies buried with her ancestorsO! in a tomb where never scandal slept,Save this of hers, framd by thy villainy! (5.1) I have deceived even your very eyes: what your wisdoms could not discover, these shallow fools have brought to light, who in the night overheard me confessing to this man, how Don John your brother incensed me to slander the Lady Hero. (5.1) I have drunk poison while he utterd it. (5.1) Though and I are too wise to woo peaceably. (5.2) And when I livd I was your other wife;And when you lovd, you were my other husband. (5.4) One Hero died defild, but I do live,And surely as I live, I am a maid. (5.4) In brief, since I do purpose to marry, I will think nothing to any purpose that the world can say against it; and therefore never flout at me for what I have said against it; for man is a giddy thing, and this is my conclusion. (5.4)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Accounting as the Production of Financial Data in an Organization Essay
Accounting as the Production of Financial Data in an Organization - Essay Example This paper describes such authoritative sources required in the field of accounting. Among the four source genres, professional associations or credentialing associations often stand out as the most credible and authoritative sources of information on accountancy. This comes as a result of these associations offering membership to several professionals in the accounting field. In addition, these associations set the professional and ethical standards required of all the individuals in the field of accountancy. Professionals associations involve themselves in enlightening members through seminars, conferences and workshops. Moreover, many of these associations produce publications such as scholarly journals and periodicals made available to members of the association and to the general public. Therefore it becomes evident that even though all genres serve as credible sources of information on accounting, professional associations stand out more. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is a professional association of Certified Public Accountants. This association stands out as an authoritative source of information on accounting due to various reasons. First, AICPA’s history runs back many years to its founding year in 1887. Therefore, its existence spans 125 years (AICPA website). Having existed for such a long period of time makes the association credible since a record of the association’s activity for all those years prove its authority over other associations whose lifespan is shorter. AIPCA boasts its large membership of around 386,000 Certified Public Accountants. The body gets acclamation as an international body since members of the association consist of individuals from 128 countries around the world. In addition, the members of the association are associates in a variety of disciplines, among them student affiliates, education, government, public practice, and international associates. This proves that AICPA hosts a very diverse group of associates.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Critically assess the postwar consensus thesis Essay
Critically assess the postwar consensus thesis - Essay Example There was however, some conflicts noted between the parties concerning the postwar consensus. The parties had consent to similar principles as well as aims but had differences in styles and emphasis (Bogdanor, 2011, para 1-9). This paper therefore has the focus of analyzing the concept of post war consensus with attention on the policies inside this concept as well as understanding the collapse of the concept as reviewed through scholarly works. Much of the evolution in the concept is attributed to in differences postulated by partisan political parties as well as the administration over the period. The concept of welfare state comprehensive in Great Britain dates back to mid Second World War as was developed in the reposts of William Biveridge in 1942. This is therefore the postulated foundation upon which the concept of postwar consensus is claimed to be built. Therefore, the policy formulations that resulted from the government of the labor party formed a basis on which the consen sus was formed on. The government undertook and implemented various policies which were distinct to the leadership history of the country. The conservative party had great influence in the industrial charter, which followed the successful formation of the previous government by the labor party. Moreover, the acknowledgement of the various policy frameworks by the party as they were designed and implemented by the party in power made the conservative party to reserve many of the policies during the 1947 industrial charter (Anon, nd, p. 217-222). Great Britain categorizes the historical perspective into two phases which span through the consensus period as well as the period after the consensus was broken and the period runs to today. The consensus period spun the years 1945 to 1979 after which the post consensus period set in and has been up to the current period (Matthijs, 2008, p. ii). After the end of the Second World War, the consensus that settled in and had a guiding commitment to full employment, industries were nationalized, government undertook to control the economic demand through application of the Keynesian techniques. Moreover, the government adopted the social welfare in a system of self-sponsored technique. The period after the election in 1945 saw the labor party form the government and adapted reformation policies and not revolutionary policies (McCulloch, 1985, p. 465). Economist and other analysts interpreted the system of government adopted by the labor party government as reformists as against revolutionalists. Non-revolutionary alliances of trade unions as well democratic socialists were the foundations, which formed the Labour party. The governance structure that succeeded the election of the Labour party to office mainly comprised of the political class of persons who had gotten into politics in the early 20th century. This period, which span across the years 1945 to 1951, was a characteristic period in the history of the country as it is credited to be the period in which many of the legislations in Britain were formulated. The government also placed policies which oversaw many industries nationalized until the 1980s. The welfare state as was a characteris
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John Essay Example for Free
The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John Essay This paper will analyze the elements of the Gospel of John. Specifically, it will deal with the specific primary texts in the Gospel that deal with the Holy Spirit, and afterwards, will deal with the secondary literature on this topic. The basic argument here is that the purpose of the Sprit is to head the church and to guide the faithful to truth, avoiding heresy and schism. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity: while the father is the uncreated hypostasis, he, outside of time, begets the Son, and the Holy Sprit proceeds from the father and rests in the Son. The Father is the principle of creation, the Son its Logos, its reason and interconnectedness, and it is sacralized through the church by the action of the Spirit. These are three persons to be found in a single God, a God with one nature. I. â€Å"And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. †This is the first mention of the Spirit in John’s Gospel. He seems to ratify the baptism of Christ, showing very quickly in the first chapter that Christ is indeed God, and the Tripartite nature of the Godhead is being revealed to the world for the first time. The Spirit here acts as an autonomous entity (i. e. it is not a â€Å"part of†either the Father or the Son). Christ is to be bathed in the Spirit so as to show that He is the New Covenant: as the spirit (as yet unknown) descended upon the Ark in the Old Covenant, and rested upon Mary at the Annunciation, the Spirit again shows the divinity of the New Covenant, Christ, by descending at his baptism. In Christ’s conversation with Nikodemus, Christ speak of being born again. Making reference to the sacrament of baptism, Christ says that â€Å"unless a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. †Just as Christ revealed Himself as the Son of God through the descent of the Spirit, so too Christians must show themselves to the world as adopted sons of God through baptism. The spirit is present in both, with Christ as the prototypical baptism. â€Å"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life. †So says Christ in John 6: 63. Christ is speaking here both of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual life of man. The Spirit is contrasted with the flesh, itself having two meanings: first, the life of the world, the world of power, of ego of sin, and hence, death. But it also refers to the passions and drives of individuals, the passions for lust greed and hatred that are the symptoms of living in a diseased world. Hence, the â€Å"Spirit,†when it is used in Scriptre, can mean one of two things: the soul of man, or the Spirit of God. These two are related in that the Spirit could not rest in something that did not have the ontological structure to receive it. In other words, man, in some fashion, has to be created in such a way so as to receive the Spirit of the father, and this is the soul, the immaterial principle of man, the form of the body, to use Aristotelian language. In John 7, Christ says: In the last day, that great [day] of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet [given]; because that Jesus was not yet glorified. ) This is a complex passage dealing with the Holy Spirit. First, Christ is identifying himself with the God of the Old Testament, for he says â€Å"as the scripture has said†in reference to Himself. Of course, he’s talking about the Old Covenant. But, as is so common in the Gospel of John, Christ is making a distinction between the life of the world and the life of the Spirit. The life of the world can never provide satisfaction: actual water, or food, or any natural desire of man is only of a temporary satisfaction. Only the spirit of God can give eternal satisfaction. The fact that Christ is referring top â€Å"water†here is important. First, water is a primary component of man’s physiology. Second, water can give life, it can cleanse, it can help things grow, but it can also drown if not used properly. â€Å"Water,†while not only a natural component of man, but an important desire, is only a figure. The figure is important, but it is only the â€Å"matter. †The â€Å"form†is the Holy Spirit itself. In other words, the only proper use of water, ritualistically speaking, is when it is used for baptism, but a baptism is not such unless the water be saturated with the Holy Spirit. When a man is baptized, he is now a stream of living water: he becomes an image, an icon, of the Son, in turn the image of the father. The man becomes a Christian through baptism, this is done through faith in the Spirit under the figure of water. He becomes an icon of he Son, and he becomes a preacher of the Spirit, hence, a flowing river that cleanses all it touches. Now the comment that the Spirit was not yet given refers to Pentecost. The Spirit works in the world, He worked in the Old Testament, but He has not been given in order to create the vessel of the final revelation: the church. This was to come only after Christ is â€Å"glorified,†that is, Transfigured, Murdered and then resurrected. As Christ goes to the father, Christ will pray to the Father than the Holy Spirit be sent to the infant church at Pentecost, institutionalizing (so to speak) the final revelation in spirit and truth. â€Å"[Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. †This is one of the most powerful statements about the Spirit in all of Scripture. It needs to be treated in detail. First, the Spirit of Truth: the Spirit proceeds from the father and rests upon the Son, glorifying him on Tabor, and raising Him up at his Resurrection. He is the truth for no other reason than he is the love that unites the father and the son in the embrace of love and truth. The Father is the principle of creation, the Being beyond being, the ultimate unity in all things, while Christ is the Logos, the principle of reason that identifies all things as they are and interconnects them with the father and with each other. The spirit is the image of this connection: of singularity and multiplicity, image and prototype. The Spirit is the sanctifier, he shows the connection between the Father and the Son for all who believe. But just as important, the Spirit here is both the truth of nature and its relation to God as creator, but he will come to speak the truth to the church. He will guide the church in all its actions, providing a means to tell the true church from the false, the true preacher from the hireling. But that’s just the problem: the world’s authorities, the people who they worship, are in fact hirelings in their actions. The â€Å"world†here refers to the system of power, of empire and the state, the economic elitism of Israel that has rejected the prophetic equalitarian economics so important to Amos and Hosea. The world cares about passion, greed and gain, it cares about the lower passions of self-importance and the Pharaseeism of â€Å"correctness. †It cares not for truth, but only for power. Hence, when the Spirit will show Himself, only a few will be able to recognize Him. The Spirit, animating the Apostles, will preach pain and suffering: the narrow path of self-denial and martyrdom. The false preachers, the wolves among the sheep, will preach the broad path: easy and full of physical satisfaction. This passage holds that the true Church of Christ will always be small, it will not recognize the world (and vice versa) and that this Spirit, when it takes possession of a man, will re-create the remnant, the true Israelites without guile. This passage is nothing more than the preaching of the Church, its future and the means whereby it can be known. For added emphasis, Christ says this a few verses later: â€Å"But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. †The passage above was the general idea: this is the specific application. The Spirit, here again shown as coming from the Father and not the Son (though it speaks of the Son), acts as the relation between the two: the Spirit is the relation of universal and particular: the unity of God and the incarnated Logos, the principle of logic and reason in nature, its ordered existence, including that of mankind and their relation to the creator. The father will send the â€Å"Spirit in my name,†that is, it will preach the doctrine of the Son. One mark of the true spirit is that it will never deviate from the teachings of Christ as found in the Scriptures. As the Trinity contains three persons, it has a single essence. As far as we are concerned, there is a single teaching, a single doctrine, a single nature, and hence, there can be only one Truth, only one true Church. Because of the single essence of the Trinity that is expressed in three persons, there can only be one teaching. The Spirit cannot go where the Son is not. The Sprit cannot preach any doctrine that the Son has not made manifest. And again: â€Å"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning. †Here, the idea that the Son is not the ontological source of the Spirit is reiterated. The Spirit, like the Son, derives from the same source, the Being of Being, the Father. The truths above are reiterated for extra emphasis: first, that the comforter is from the Father, the Principle, that He will teach only truth, and hence, sects that do not preach Christ in the Scriptures are not grace filled, they do not have the Spirit in them. The Spirit, as far as men are concerned, is the very â€Å"content†of the Truth, or true doctrine. But as Christ has said in the last chapter, the demons are already working within the infant church, and we can interpret this with ease as that they are spreading falsehood under the name of â€Å"christ. †But in this passage, the actions of the apostles (the first bishops and leaders of the church) are given a role. The Spirit will animate them to preach and travel throughout the globe bringing Christ to the gentiles who are unspoiled by the Pharisees and their â€Å"legalism. †The Truth is an animating Sprit, it is at the root of the proper teaching of the gospel, and importantly, eliminating any heresies that are bound to develop. This passage in many ways is also a commission for the apostles to being writing down what they have witnessed. The Truth of the Spirit will be verified by the apostolic teaching in that the apostles have witnessed the preaching and actions of Jesus. Hence the witness of the apostles is central to verifying the truth as preached by their successors. Many will come claiming to have Christ or the spirit or the apostolic mandate, but it is only the witness of the apostles that serves as the benchmark for having the Spirit. This is of immense importance. In Chapter 16, Christ says: Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. . . .Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you. There is a curious connection between Christ’s leaving (so to speak), and the Spirit’s coming. Christ will leave the world bodily, but the Spirit will be sent from the father to maintain His teaching. But the spirit is seen as a successor to Christ in the flesh doing through spirit what Christ was able to do in his sinless flesh. This may be interpreted as a means of Christ saying to the apostles that what was preached in the flesh now must be acted out in spirit. Christ laid the groundwork for salvation, giving his blood and death on the cross, but now, the spirit will act as a means to assist the new covenant to preach the word as the apostles see fit under the circumstances. The Spirit is seen as having a function. First, to bring Truth to the church (and nowhere else), and, equally as important, to condemn the world. Christ will not do that, but the Spirit will. The Spirit has no room for the flesh except the life of the church, which is a spiritualized flesh, the self-denial of the narrow path. Christ’s mission will be sanctified and glorified by the action of the spirit: the spirit is not a new revelation, but will assist the church in important ways: iin doctrine, in apologetics, in spiritual approach and the very construction of the Scriptures, which are spirit filled. The spirit will not offer new doctrine, but will complete what Christ has started by bringing his teaching to the world and to generations to come. The fulfillment of this promise will occur at Pentecost, but a foretaste of this occurrence can be found in John 20, where Christ imparts the Spirit to the apostles in the upper room: â€Å"And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; [and] whose soever [sins] ye retain, they are retained. †This is the final mention of the Spirit in John’s gospel. It is important because it includes the apostolic mandate to forgive sins. The Spirit will be the action that forgive sins, so to speak â€Å"applying†the blood of Christ to those who seek forgiveness. The apostles will receive the spirit, and the first thing that is said once this is done is that they are to forgive sins with this new power. But, as hinted above, the judgement is up to the church, the church founded on the scriptures by the apostles: the apostles can withhold the spirit if the person in question does not seem properly disposed to receive it. The church is given a mandate that it can forgive sins through the imparting of the spirit, but that the church is able to give the judgement as to how, when and where this is to be used. This is the issue: Christ will not be among them any more, they will no longer be pupils, but masters of the spirit. They are now called upon to make a judgement as to the use of this gift, and this is the role of the church in the day to day life of the community of Christ.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hypatia of Alexandria :: essays research papers
Hypatia of Alexandria Hypatia was born in 370 A.D. in Alexandria, Egypt. From that day on her life was one enriched with a passion for knowledge. Theon, Hypatia’s father whom himself was a mathematician, raised Hypatia in an environment of thought. Both of them formed a strong bond as he taught her his own knowledge and shared his passion in the search of answers to the unknown. Under her fathers discipline he developed a physical routine for her to ensure a healthy body as well as a highly functional mind. Her father instructed her on the different religions of the world and how to influence people with the power of words. Also taught her the fundamentals of teaching so she could be a profound orator. From the teachings of her father, she to became a mathematician and philosopher which she was recognized the head of the Neo-Platonist school of philosophy at Alexandria. Due to her eloquence, modesty, and beauty, combined with her remarkable intellectual gifts, she attracted a large number of pupils . Her students were aristocratic young men, both Pagan and Christian, who rose to occupy influential civil and eccelestrastical positions. They considered Hypatia as their â€Å"divine guide†into the realm of philosophical and cosmic mysteries, which included mathematics. She combined the principles of free thinking and the ideal of pure living. She was known for her prudence, moderation, and self control, and for her ease of manner and her beauty. She was recognized as an eloquent teacher and by 390 A.D. her circle of influence was well-established. She also symbolized learning and science which in time of Western history were largely identified by early Christians with Paganism. As such, she was the focal point in the tension and riots between Christians and non-Christians that racked more than once in Alexandria. In this time Cyril roused negative sentiment toward Orestes and Orestes was attacked by 500 Nitrian monks. Due to Cyril and his negativity and what he caused to happen to Orestes, Hypatia fell victim to the political hostilities due to being a close associate of Orestes and was undoubtedly defamed by Cyril. Admiration for her became resentment and she was perceived as an obstacle to the conciliation of Orestes and Cyril. Being as that, Cyril began planning Hypatia’s most crucial death. In 415 A.D., during Lent, while riding in her chariot through the streets of Alexandria, she was attacked upon by a fanatical mob of antipagan Christians.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Critical Lens Essay
 Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie.†This quote means that you aren’t afraid of the action you made but you’re scared of the action that are going to be made toward you as a punishment. This quote agreeable because a lot of the time when a person lies there thinking right then an there, the fear of what’s going to happen to you when the truth comes out is what punishes you the most not the actual consequence it’s self. Fyodor Dostrevskys quote is evident in All-night Part by R.L.Stine and The Crucible by Arthur Miller because in each wok of literature they all have to face the consequences of lying and the fear of their punishment. Through Abigail in The Crucible by Arthur Miller she can relate to the quote because she feared what would happen to her if she told Bettys father Reverend Parris what really happened in the woods. So to save her self from the trouble that would lie ahead for her if she did tell the truth she blamed everything on Tituba. This is evident to the conflict man vs. society because she felt the need to lie to save her self from getting into whatever punishment the town of Salem would set for her which would be something along the lines of being whipped or stoned. This relates to the critical lens because it shows what happens when you fear the consequences of the lie more then the actual lie its self. In All-night party by R.L.Stine the lie that was told from Patrick when he tells his group of friends was that the cut on his hand was really from the broken window. Patrick can relate to the critical lens because he feared the consequences of his lie which would be him going to jail for killing Cindy. This is similar to the conflict person vs. person because there was a problem between Patrick and Cindy that ended with Patrick killing her. In the end he confesses to his wrongdoing and was put into jail. Fyodor Dostrevsky said, â€Å"Fear is simply the consequence of every lie†I found this quote agreeable because in The Crucible you see what someone would do just to not face there punishment due to lying which would be person vs. society. All-night party shows an example what happens when you lie and then tell the truth, which would be p erson vs. person. Each work of literature has its own sense of conflict. The Crucibles conflict was Abigail lying about what Betty, Tituba and herself did in the woods. That she blamed on Tituba. In All-night party they deal with the death of their best friend.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reaction Paper on “Matilda†Essay
â€Å"If you’re not having fun, you’re not learning†, this quote is taken form the movie â€Å"Matilda†. This is very meaningful to me because it is placed in the classroom of Miss Honey and it contradicts the school’s ambience of not being a conducive place (or even a fun place) learn. This of course is reinforced with the meanest principal on Earth, Miss Trunchbull, who is in fact hates children. I do agree with the quote because if you’re not having fun with what you are doing, then it would not be fun and it would not be even meaningful. I also think that having that fun environment will have a positive effect on the learner. The movie has parts that the class really enjoyed. The most thrilling parts for me were: 1) Matilda discovered her power; 2) Matilda was adopted by Miss Honey. I like the first one because I’m always fascinated about supernatural powers and mysticism. My reading preferences are always of a mystical genre, full of witches, spell, and supernatural beings and such. When I was a child, I have a very wide imagination and I will always imagine myself as a warlock casting spells or an extraordinary being that have powers like telekinesis, invisibility, shape shifter and many more. I also like the second one because I believe that every child deserves the best home possible. A child should have a home and a family that will encourage and enhance their mind. The movie, â€Å"Matilda†, is a very good movie about reading and about togetherness in the family. In the movie, reading for me is depicted in two ways. First, reading is a privilege skill that only the sophisticated people can practice fully. This is half true because nowadays the prices of book are too expensive for the poor people or even some of the middle-class people. Even some of the books that are published here in the Philippines are too expensive. But thanks to the very famous Book Sale, we can afford international or even local books that have a very good authority and storyline. The second is reading as a very powerful tool in battling simple to complex situations. There was one video I watched there the librarian said that â€Å"If knowledge is power, then I am in charge of an arsenal.†The books are powerful arsenals; they’re like bullets and our mind (while reading them) is the gun. Matilda is a very wide and complex reader. Wide in a way that she reads books from different genres and different eras. Complex in a way that she reads books that are way passed her capability or understanding as a child. I can really relate to Matilda in a way that I want to read so many books so badly but due to some circumstances I cannot. I can also relate to Matilda’s eagerness in reading. I too am eager in reading, mist especially when I like the book. I always try to read book from different genres and eras, just like Matilda. Reading that widely can enhance your knowledge and other skills like communication and social skills. All in all, â€Å"Matilda†is a very good movie with a lot of lessons like overcoming an obstacle is to face it wholeheartedly and don’t underestimate others. The parents are the ones who will instil the very rewarding skill of reading to their children. And I quote from one Emilie Buchwald, â€Å"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.†We should all be Matilda, a very wide and complex reader and a very enthusiastic one too. Not being a stereotypical child who just plays outside. Lastly, I quote from one Frederick Douglass, â€Å"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Is The Use Of Animals For Research Purposes Justified
Is The Use Of Animals For Research Purposes Justified Ethical Issues about the Use of Animals for Experiments Animals have been in use for experimentation for a long time especially in the medical field where it has enabled scientists to discover and gain knowledge and understanding of the biological processes as to improvement the quality of human life. Despite the wide use of animal experimentation in scientific fields, it has become an ethical issue that has pitted the pro-experimentation and against the animal rights activists that have been strongly challenging not only the legality of the continued use of animals for experiments but also the ethics behind it. This paper presents different arguments for and against the use of animals for research purposes. The population of animals has been dropping drastically worldwide in the recent times. A report by Jarrod in 2010 shows that the chimpanzees population has dropped from 2 million to just about 150,000 in the recent years. The same applies to the population of rabbits that has dropped from over 3 billion to just about 1.5 million today. The use of an animal for scientific research has been cited as a major reason for the dramatic decline in these animals population and those of other animals, such as rats, pigs, sharks, and dogs among others. In the US, animals are widely used in scientific research, especially in testing products consumed by humans, as well as the effectiveness of certain drugs. Want to learn more? Go here: Torture Is Never Justified How to Write a Case Study? The Internet Has Been Overly Commercialized Is Science Atheistic? Legalization of Marijuana Issue Animal Testing is Required by the Law Despite the growing trend in the use of animals for scientific research, there has been a growing debate from different quarters of the American society with one side in support and the other in opposition. Supporters of the use of animals for experiments argue that the use of animals for scientific research is a good thing because it enables the scientists to discover some of the useful information about products and drugs that help in advancing the quality of life of animals and humans. Proponents of experimentation maintain that animals such as chimpanzees, mice and cows have 99.4%, 99% and 90% genes similar to those of humans respectively. As such, using these animals that have the same organs and nerve system is useful in making discoveries on things such as drugs and how effective or dangerous they can be on humans before permitting them for humans. They cite the US laws requiring that all prescription drugs be tested on animals before they can be allowed for sale in the market . This way, any danger with the prescription drug is detected in the animals and avoided for use in the humans because the life of a human is more valuable than that of an animal. Secondly, proponents of the use of animals for experimentation argue that animals have no rights as human beings. They maintain that unlike humans that have the ability to reason, animals have no right. Therefore, animals cannot make a moral claim or defend themselves in an intelligent manner. Additionally, proponents of the use of animals for experimentation maintain that because animals do not have respect for humans rights, there is nothing wrong with using them for experimentation purposes. Experimentation Helps to Discover Medicines for Animals Thirdly, those in support of the use of animals for experimentation maintain that the use of animals for experimentation has resulted in the discovery of better veterinary medicines and improved welfare of animals. They speak about the heartworm a drug that was discovered out of research conducted on animals and has since proved useful in helping save the lives of many dogs across the globe. Besides, they cite that animal research has resulted in the better understanding of nutrition for cats and the reasons why cats live much longer than other animals and maintain good health. Additionally, proponents of the animal research argue that man has dominion over all other creatures. As such, man has control over animals and can do research with them. They cite Genesis chapter 1:28, where after God has created everything and blessed them, God instructed man to be fruitful and multiply, as well as have dominion over all animals of land, air, and sea. Testing Causes Animals Pain and Suffering Despite the strong arguments in favor of animal research, animal activists have strongly opposed the continued use of animals for scientific research arguing that it causes a lot of pain and suffering to animals. As such, because the suffering caused to animals is so high, there is no justification for the benefits to humans. Secondly, animal rights activists have strongly opposed animal experimentation arguing that there has not been any proof of the benefits to human. Jarrod 2010 research, for instance, found that the research conducted on chimpanzees in an attempt to try to discover the medication for HIV did not provide any result despite the claim that chimpanzees share about 99.4% of DNA with humans. Unlike humans, chimpanzees do not develop AIDS after getting infected with HIV. Other opponents of animal research also argue that even other animals that share similar DNA features with humans do not provide reliable test because they might not react in the same way as humans would. As such, it is wrong to continue subjecting animals to pain and suffering in the name of science. In conclusion, animal use for research is a common practice all over the world. However, this practice is raising ethical issues that need to be addressed soberly. Experiments should not be conducted in the manner that causes a lot of harm and suffering to animals.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best Jobs for Recent College Graduates
The Best Jobs for Recent College Graduates it’s rough entering the job market after college these days, and a rough market regardless. candidates with experience are almost universally privileged in the hiring process. it can take a while to find your opening and grab it. that said, recent grads have the advantage of being (usually) single and flexible. you might consider moving across the country for a job, where someone more entrenched would not. if you’re that flexible, consider the states on this list, by field, where recent grads and gen y-ers will have the best luck getting a great gig.industry: airlinepossible jobs: engineering (aerospace, flight, electrical, mechanical design, etc.), pilot, customer service rep, officer, flight attendant, pricing analystbest place to be: minnesota. younger workers in their 20s make up a much larger percentage of the work force there, and the median annual salary for employees of this age group wasn’t any lower.industry: ambulatory health carepossible jobs : physical therapy, personal training, dental hygienist, case manager, office manager, pa.best place to be: connecticut, with median salaries for employees under 30 at 21% above the national average.industry: bankingpossible jobs: teller, assistant branch manager, analyst, customer service rep, loan officerbest place to be: utahindustry: beverage and tobacco marketingpossible jobs: account manager, sales manager/rep, event coordinator, financial analyst, designer, marketing managerbest place to be: new york. try first at pepsico and phillip morris.industry: broadcasting (tv/radio)possible jobs: account executive, advertising film/video editor, graphic artist/designer, reporter, producer-director, radio show host, etc.best place to be: new york. try: viacom, cbs, nbc, abc, fox, turner broadcasting, or mtv.industry: clothing and accessoriespossible jobs: assistant buyer, designer, assistant designer, retail department manager, graphic artist/designer, retail salesbest place to be: new yorkindustry: computer and electronic manufacturingpossible jobs: electrical or mechanical engineer, film/video editor, graphic artist/designer, software developer/programmerbest place to be: virginia. try qimonda, micron technology, and genesic.industry: constructionpossible jobs: manager, commercial estimator, marketing coordinator, project engineer, staff accountantbest place to be: washington, d.c.industry: educationpossible jobs: admissions counselor, elementary school teacher, financial aid counselor, high school teacher, non-profit program coordinator, special education teacher, teacher’s assistantbest place to be: washington, d.c.industry: electrical, appliance, and component equipment manufacturingpossible jobs: account manager, sales, customer service rep, electrical or mechanical or manufacturing engineer, inside sales rep, operations manager, outside sales rep, sales engineerbest place to be: new jersey. try tyco, cn burman, sea gull, and griffith electric supply.industry: executive, legislative, and other general government supportpossible jobs: accountant, administrative assistant, auditor, cpa, financial or intelligence analyst, senior tax accountant, software engineer, developer/programmer, staff accountant, data entry specialistbest place to be: washington, d.c.industry: servicepossible jobs: barista, cashier, supervisor, restaurant manager, marketing, grocery staff accountantbest place to be: new york. the higher-end the place, the better your paycheck.industry: funds, trusts, etc.possible jobs: benefits or business or research analyst, financial/securities/investment analyst, fund accountant, pension administration, staff accountantbest place to be: massachusetts. surprising though it may be. try watson wyatt worldwide, putnam investments, fidelity investments, and harvard management first.industry: heavy and civil engineering constructionpossible jobs: accountant, administrative assistant, civil engineer, financial analyst, mechanical engineer, petroleum engineer, project engineer, staff accountantbest place to be: utah. try questar!industry: hospitalspossible jobs: rn, medical/clinical laboratory tech, occupational therapist, physical therapist, pabest place to be: nevadaindustry: hotelspossible jobs: assistant general manager, front desk clerk, guest services manager, night auditor, sales manager, shift managerbest place to be: washington, d.c.industry: internet service providers, web search, and data processingpossible jobs: graphic artist/designer, marketing coordinator, it project manager, web developer, software engineer, web designer developerbest place to be: maryland. try bay broadband communications and comcast.industry: legal services, accounting, and scientific researchpossible jobs: paralegal/legal assistant, certified public accountant (cpa), civil engineer, graphic artist/designer, information technology (it) consultant, interior designer, staff accountantbest place to be: washingto n, d.c. try booz allen hamilton, corporate executive board, ibm, bearingpoint, accenture, and sra internationalindustry: miscellaneous manufacturingpossible jobs: biomedical or manufacturing or medical device quality engineer, biotech research associatebest place to be: nevada. try international game technology and aristocrat technologies.industry: museums, historic sites, etc.possible jobs: art gallery curator, graphic artist/designer, program coordinator, recreation coordinator, special events coordinator, zookeeperbest place to be: new yorkindustry: national security and international affairspossible jobs: aerospace engineer, contract administrator, electrical engineer, financial or intelligence analyst, mechanical or software engineerbest place to be: massachusetts. try raytheon in waltham and general dynamics in quincy.industry: oil and gas extractionpossible jobs: accountant, chemical engineer, financial analyst, mechanical engineer, oil gas landman, petroleum engineer, an d geologistbest place to be: utah. try questar and chevron. or louisiana as an alternative.industry: online publishingpossible jobs: copy editor, graphic artist/designer, news reporter, software engineer/developer/programmer, web designerbest place to be: new york. try nytimes.com, yahoo!, aol, and fox interactive.industry: performing arts, spectator sports, etc.possible jobs: copy editor, event coordinator, executive assistant, film/video editor, graphic artist/designer, marketing coordinator, producer-director, tv/cable broadcast, special events managerbest place to be: new yorkindustry: pharmaceutical/chemical manufacturingpossible jobs: chemical or mechanical engineer, biotech research associate, research scientist, pharmaceutical sales representativebest place to be: maryland. try otsuka maryland medicinal laboratories, bowles fluidics, and millennium inorganic chemicals.industry: print publishingpossible jobs: assistant editor, copy editor, editorial assistant, graphic artist/ designer, managing editor, marketing coordinator, newspaper reporter, software engineerbest place to be: washingtonindustry: securities, commodity contracts, financial investmentspossible jobs: associate in investment banking, banking analyst, financial/securities/investments analyst, financial adviser, fund accountantbest place to be: new yorkindustry: social workpossible jobs: case manager, child care/day care worker, child, family, or school social worker, director, child care, nanny or au pair preschool teacher, (not special education) program coordinator, nonprofit organization social workerbest place to be: washington, d.c.industry: sporting goods, hobby, book, and music storespossible jobs: customer service rep, store department manager, graphic artist/designer, inside sales representative, marketing coordinator, retail sales associate/assistant manager/manager, and wholesale and retail buyerbest place to be: new jersey. try toys ‘r’ us, sports authority, hein o’s sky cycle, barnes noble.industry: transportation equipment manufacturingpossible jobs: aerospace engineer, electrical engineer, financial analyst, industrial engineer, manufacturing engineer, manufacturing process engineer, mechanical design engineer, mechanical engineer, product development engineer, automotive senior mechanical engineerbest place to be: maryland. try alcore.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Dangers of SPAM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Dangers of SPAM - Research Paper Example They even explained an abbreviation for the respective concept that is Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE). 2. Overview of Spam 2.1 Origin of Spam Fletcher stated that the first act of spam is considered to have taken place in 1978 when Gary Turk sent email messages to 400 people via the ARPANET; the purpose of the email was to promote his latest computing invention. Later, the term ‘spam’ originated from a Monty Python sketch that included few individuals singing the brand name of a canned meat ‘spam’ in a cafeteria in the 1980s. This is the instance after which the word became common and started being used other than the name of the brand. One of the most notorious initial spamming activities was initiated by two lawyers, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel. They sent emails to around 6000 recipients to advertise their services for Green Card processing. Their actions were highly resented and were replied with hate emails from the recipients. The concept of spammin g caught on after the initial acts of resistance and became common from the late 1990s. According to Fletcher, the concept has intervened so deeply into the internet that it comprises of almost 78% emails from a total of 210 billion emails everyday around the world. Spammers have always managed to find their way around the spam filters and other detection software as they have learned the strategies and mechanics that are adopted by such software. Figure 1: Frequency of spam emails in different countries (Humphries) 2.2 Historical Approaches to End Spam Due to the absence of sophisticated spam filters in 1990s, simple techniques were used to fight spam. Zdziarski explained some of them in the following manner: Primitive Language Analysis: The messages were scanned for certain phrases like â€Å"Call Now†, â€Å"Free Trial†etc to find spam emails. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of its content. Blacklisting: Paul Vixie devised a mechanism in wh ich the spammers were maintained in a list and the users were given the opportunity to ignore messages from them. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of the origin and sender. 3. Types of Spam There are numerous types of spam prevailing on the web in the current times, some of the most common ones are: 3.1 Email Spam Bowers, Harnett and Edwards stated that email spam is used to advertise different products and services to a large segment of consumers by sending bulk emails. Numerous types of products and services are included in this category, such as financial services, products, health services, travel promotions etc. Many email spam are also sent with the aim of acquiring personal information of the users to pursue different kinds of fraudulent activities; such attempts are known as ‘phishing’. 3.2 Text Messages Spam Spamming activities also prevail on the wireless communication technology of cell phones. This medium often proves to cost the reci pient some amount if his package charges for the incoming of the text messages. Cell phone users suffer similar type of spam as the internet users, such as promotion of products and services and attempted scams. However, in the category of text messages, the recipient also receives lot of spam from the telecom service providers themselves in the form of promoting their latest campaigns. This might
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